
Bargain Words

Bargain words helps students to focus during activities, such as watching videos, reading pieces text or even the whole lesson. Students have to choose three subject specific words. Once these words have been selected the students have to calculate the value of each word. Throughout the lesson or activity students have to keep a tally of how many times their word appears. At the end of the lesson students will need to calculate the frequency, 'total', and find the value of each word. After adding the values together find out who was the richest student. 

This activity adds friendly competition into a lesson, allows students to work with monetary amounts and also increases the students focus and memory of key words. There are four different templates available at the moment. This is a resource that takes very little preparation time. To make the task more focussed you could give students a selection of words to choose from at the start of the lesson. Check in with the students throughout the lesson asking them to explain or define their words and reasoning behind selection. This could be opened up later for class discussion. 


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Tags: Numeracy , Numeracy across the curriculum, Numeracy4all

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Danielle Bartram

Maths Lead Practitioner

Acklam Grange School