
DIRT Resources

DIRT maths question bank marking and feedback

Created by teachers for teachers, to help improve the work life balance and also the consistent quality of feedback our students receive. With an aim to be a continuously evolving document. Please contribute to the DIRT Bank simply by emailing the DIRT question(s) you’ve created and your name/twitter handle to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and I will update the bank weekly.

DIRT - Dedicated/Directed Improvement Reflection Time

This Bank provides DIRT Questions for many mathematcal topic areas, with a structured response to a question, and also questions to complete independently on each topic. The bank aims to provide students with a consitent high level style of effective feedback and DIRT time, as well as providing the teacher with work life balance, aiming to prevent teachers in every school duplicating each others work.  I will be blogging about it here, on how this looks within the classroom this weekend. This is a system I have developed over two years and I believe is now at a stage of sharing. Please help myself and other teachers by writing just one or even two questions on topics you have noticed is missing. 

To find out more about how this works in the classroom and how the resource has developed over time click here. 

To use simply download the bank, highlight the question you want, then copy and paste the question you want either into a template sheet or a document design of your own choosing. 

Thank you for your support and I hope you find the resource useful. 

Download Here


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Tags: Feedback, Marking , DIRT, Dirt Bank

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  • Guest - A Teacher

    Thanks for the resources. These are really helpful. This is the first time I've come to know about DIRT. I must discover more.

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Danielle Bartram

Maths Lead Practitioner

Acklam Grange School