
Battle Words

Battle Words is focused on the core skill of co-ordinates. The idea is that students apply their knowledge of co-ordinates to remember and define key words. It is a competitive game with bonus points awarded for guessing the key words before having all of the letters and for being able to accurately define the key words. This activity would be great as a recap starter, plenary or revision tool. 

Battle Words has two levels with easy being a one quadrant grid and hard being a four quadrant grid for higher ability students. 

Students select five key words, which are given points from 1 to 5. They place these on the grid letter by letter, either horizontally or vertically. Following this students take it in turns to guess co-ordinates, crossing squares and writing letters accordingly. 

Remember co-ordinates need to be in the order of (x,y). Students will often remember this by saying "along the corridor and up the stairs".

Tags: Numeracy , Numeracy across the curriculum, Numeracy4all

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Danielle Bartram

Maths Lead Practitioner

Acklam Grange School