

Groupers are designed as a quick way at the start of a lesson to get students into random groups or pre planned groups. Once students are grouped together, you may wish to split a group of six into two threes. This activity allows students the opportunity to practise their mental maths and problem solving skills.

The activity also creates an opportunity for students to move around the classroom to talk to each other about the maths. Currently I have made simple number groupers, with questions of varying difficulty, and I’ve also made a Christmas themed grouper. 


Download Number Groupers

Download Christmas Groupers


Tags: Numeracy , Numeracy across the curriculum, Numeracy4all

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  • Guest - Charlie

    The math education is one of most importance aspect of education, the teachers have to grouping the children who are having problem solving skills. Your article is very impressive and informative keep going with interesting and knowledge posts.

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Danielle Bartram

Maths Lead Practitioner

Acklam Grange School