
Maths Conference - #Mathsconf13

mathsconf13 maths conference with mark mccourt

Wow, what an amazing weekend! The La Salle Education maths team excelled themselves again. Thank you to @LaSalleEd team and Mark (@EmathsUK) for another amazing conference #mathsconf13.

Rob Smith (@RJS2212) deserves a special thanks as well for his dedication to selling raffle tickets and also the amazing tuck shop!

The conference raised a £2000 for Macmillan Cancer today, thanks to the donations of all attendees and a significant donation to round the sum up by Mark.

400 maths teachers gathered on a Saturday morning ready for the maths conference to begin. As usual you could feel the excitement in the room. This time though there was a palpable buzz as people waited for Matt Parker (@Standupmaths) to take the stage.

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Maths Tweacher A to Z Mathsconf5 Tweet up

Wow, what an amazing weekend this has been with #mathsconf5 being another huge success thanks to La Salle Education. 

Thank you to everybody who came to my session especially those who had to stand or sit on the floor. I hope you all managed to take at least one idea away. I will be tweeting more about maths conference next week however I feel the information gained from the tweet up can't be missed. 

Caution those of a sensitive disposition please look away now, you are about to see a list. (Disclaimer the list was a collective work of maths conference delegates and is by no means a comprehensive list.)

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Maths Mastery - #CelebrationofMaths

After the twitter maths teachers, told me last week about #CelebrationofMaths, I signed up late. I have to say I am so glad that I did. I met with the exam board’s @AQAMaths and @OCRMaths to talk about the new exams, resources and specimen papers.  Unfortunately Edexcel didn’t attend the event. It was great to meet the @AQAMaths team in person after recently writing an article for them on why I give all my resources away, BetterMaths.org.uk.

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Wow is the first word that comes to mind to summarise #MathsConf4, which was held in the beautiful and amazing venue of the Grand Connaught Rooms in London. This is my second maths conference event and I came away feeling reinvigorated and truly inspired. Unfortunately I didn't get to go see everything I would of liked because there were too many amazing workshops I wanted to attend. However to me this is the sign of an 'outstanding' conference, when it is hard to make a decision on workshops because they all look amazing. 

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TMOxford, A day with Amjad at Cheney School

In order to make the big Cheney teach meet Amjad kindly offered to host me at his school for the day. I have to say Cheney School is truly impressive with several little touches around the school which are heart-warming to see, from pictures of departmental staff to an ice cream window for the tech service guys. The school has a real strength in supporting the development of students' resilience and respect for each other.

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Simon Blower 
Simon Blower
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Mark Anderson 
Mark Anderson
Author of ‘Perfect ICT Every Lesson’ and international speaker.


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Jon Tait
Jon Tait
Olympic torch bearer, deputy head teacher and international speaker.


Danielle Bartram

Maths Lead Practitioner

Acklam Grange School