
Thermometer of Understanding

Students have to think about directed numbers, (positive and negative numbers), in relation to their learning within the lesson. This method allows all students and particularly the students who aren't 100%, but are better than the amber they always put, to identify and distinguish between their understanding of topics more accurately.

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Blooms Races

Blooms races incorporates fictional lap times and blooms taxonomy questions. Within this game I have placed an emphasis on the basic skills of knowledge and comprehension; you can't move forward until you have got these questions correct and when moving backwards it will generally be to one of these squares. This game promotes discussion between students and the development of higher order thinking skills, as well as adding a competitive element and allowing the students to deal with time.   This activity can take as long you want. The lap time of 3 minutes is only there for students to add and subtract time from and to also give students an end lap time result which is realistic against racing games and formula one.

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Battle Words

Battle Words is focused on the core skill of co-ordinates. The idea is that students apply their knowledge of co-ordinates to remember and define key words. It is a competitive game with bonus points awarded for guessing the key words before having all of the letters and for being able to accurately define the key words. This activity would be great as a recap starter, plenary or revision tool. 

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Bargain Words

Bargain words helps students to focus during activities, such as watching videos, reading pieces text or even the whole lesson. Students have to choose three subject specific words. Once these words have been selected the students have to calculate the value of each word. Throughout the lesson or activity students have to keep a tally of how many times their word appears. At the end of the lesson students will need to calculate the frequency, 'total', and find the value of each word. After adding the values together find out who was the richest student. 

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Groupers are designed as a quick way at the start of a lesson to get students into random groups or pre planned groups. Once students are grouped together, you may wish to split a group of six into two threes. This activity allows students the opportunity to practise their mental maths and problem solving skills.

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Danielle Bartram

Maths Lead Practitioner

Acklam Grange School