miss b's resources

TMOxford, A day with Amjad at Cheney School

In order to make the big Cheney teach meet Amjad kindly offered to host me at his school for the day. I have to say Cheney School is truly impressive with several little touches around the school which are heart-warming to see, from pictures of departmental staff to an ice cream window for the tech service guys. The school has a real strength in supporting the development of students' resilience and respect for each other.

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Groupers are designed as a quick way at the start of a lesson to get students into random groups or pre planned groups. Once students are grouped together, you may wish to split a group of six into two threes. This activity allows students the opportunity to practise their mental maths and problem solving skills.

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Impact Line

Impact lines focus on students number sense and their understanding of directed numbers.
Provide students with or allow the students to create a list of advantages and disadvantages, on a particular concept/ topic . The students then work together and discuss which will have the largest positive and negative impact.

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Connections allows students to take a journey tailored specifically to their individual needs within a lesson. A student can hop off the train and continue attempts to master a skill when needed, before catching the connection to the next station. 

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ReCap Hat


This is an easy but quick tool to use for mini plenaries and plenaries. I was introduced to the idea by a maths teacher on a visited to Excelsior Academy during my PGCE 2011-12.

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“Miss B is always coming up with great new ideas. I have been delighted to work with her on linking numeracy and literacy”

Simon Blower 
Simon Blower
Co Founder of pobble.com


“Makes Maths interesting, relevant and accessible.”

Mark Anderson 
Mark Anderson
Author of ‘Perfect ICT Every Lesson’ and international speaker.


“Maths teachers looking for inspiration and quality resources? Look no further than @MissBsResources.” 

Jon Tait
Jon Tait
Olympic torch bearer, deputy head teacher and international speaker.


Danielle Bartram

Maths Lead Practitioner

Acklam Grange School