
Guest Blog: 'What do you notice?'

Problem solving consecutive numbers
Guest Blog By Bryn LLewellyn

Back in the day when I was a young primary teacher, I used various apparatus to help children develop a greater understanding of numbers and the number system. Armed with boxes of counters, Diennes, cuisenaire rods, multi-link, multi-bond, number lines and 100 squares, I would create problems to be solved and investigations to be erm, investigated.

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Flipping the Learning

Flipped learning within a classroom is something I have been interested in for quite some time. Two years ago as part of a working trio at my old school we decided that flipped learning was a common interest amongst ourselves and we decided to explore its effectiveness and benefit within different subject areas.

Our three subject areas were an eclectic mix of mathematics, computing and science. We met a few times to discuss differing methods in which we could deliver flipped learning and each decided a different route.

Science - Asking students to watch specific video clips from the web.

Computing - Making and designing a mini class website where tasks and videos were uploaded allowing students to interact.

Mathematics – Testing the impact of using video clips designed by myself vs those already available on the internet.

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Bunting Displays Galore

As part of my work in creating a series of generic department displays for my new department, due to staff not being assigned to rooms. I created shape bunting amongst other key display items.  It was important to have the basic available in every room so staff know what they are walking into when they are teaching. 

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Leadership, what it means to me

I was extremely lucky when attending #ReadTL15 to get the chance to attend Jill Berry’s (@JillBerry102) workshop on leadership. This session really struck a chord with me and was something that I was looking forward to with just taking on a middle leader role, as lead practitioner. I’m sorry for those people who normal expect resources and ideas in my posts, this is one more of reflection and future proclamation.

Some of the questions asked were superficially easy to answer by rote of things you are told or read about; however on a deeper and more personal level when given time to think, sometimes different or more elaborate answers appeared.

I’m at the start of my leadership journey and my definition of leadership, expectations and way I approach certain things are already changing. My skin has toughened, although I wouldn’t say it was tough yet.

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Motivating colleagues.

Motivation is really powerful thing and we all sometimes get ourselves down in the dumps. Especially when the days get shorter and the nights get longer. How do you motivate yourself on a morning?

I used to struggle to get up in the morning and certainly wasn’t a morning person. So I started placing inspirational items to me around the house, it may be a card from a student or a quote. The major item that has stuck with me though is one little measly post it note. This post it note I see every morning and it reminds me to be happy. (I’m often heard attempting to sing around the maths department on a morning, a particular favourite of mine is “good morning”).

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“Miss B is always coming up with great new ideas. I have been delighted to work with her on linking numeracy and literacy”

Simon Blower 
Simon Blower
Co Founder of pobble.com


“Makes Maths interesting, relevant and accessible.”

Mark Anderson 
Mark Anderson
Author of ‘Perfect ICT Every Lesson’ and international speaker.


“Maths teachers looking for inspiration and quality resources? Look no further than @MissBsResources.” 

Jon Tait
Jon Tait
Olympic torch bearer, deputy head teacher and international speaker.


Danielle Bartram

Maths Lead Practitioner

Acklam Grange School