Bunting Displays Galore

As part of my work in creating a series of generic department displays for my new department, due to staff not being assigned to rooms. I created shape bunting amongst other key display items. It was important to have the basic available in every room so staff know what they are walking into when they are teaching.
I created shape bunting as one of these displays which can be seen in the image. This involves key facts that students are required to know and also involves key spellings of the words. This can be downloaded as simple flags or as the shapes themselves.
The shape bunting soon took off and Mr Paul Collins @MrPRColins asked me if it was okay for him to use my template to create a formula bunting, which involves everything from circle theorems to area of a circle. After some design tweaks from myself it is now available for download.
Twitter seemed to love both ideas and many people have now downloaded and shared these.
Following this, Mrs Deborah Barakat @MrsMathia has kindly put together teacher bunting for display in staff rooms as a handy prompt for teachers when planning. I am going to put this set of bunting around my share and replace teaching and learning board.
I would love to see pictures of where people have displayed this bunting.All of these lovely bunting ideas can be downloaded for free from the Displays page.
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